Compensation is the act and the consequence of indemnity : to propitiate, usually through money , the compensation of an injury or damage .It is also called compensation to the amount or the thing that is used for this purpose.
For example: "The injured worker sued the company because it has not yet received the compensation it deserves" , "The State will award compensation to the woman that a police officer shot by mistake" , "For now I keep with the money from the compensation they gave me when they kicked me out of work . "
There are different types of compensation. The compensation for dismissal is paid by an employer to a worker when dismissed without cause. The characteristics of this compensation depend on the labor contract and the legislation of each nation .
Typically, the compensation is linked to the number of years the employee had been working for the company in question. The more seniority, the greater the compensation.
In Argentina , to cite a case, compensation for dismissal is equivalent to one month's salary for each year worked or for a fraction greater than three months, based on the best remuneration received by the worker in the last year.
The compensation for dismissal protects the worker and contributes to his job stability.
However, when driving laws of flexibility , it seeks to reduce and even cancel them compensation in order to minimize the costs of entrepreneurs.
The compensation for damages , in as much, must be paid to the victim on the part of who caused the evil. In this way it is intended to achieve a repair through a monetary outlay.