Definition of Interference
The interference is linked
to meddle or interfere . When something has an influence on
something else, it is involved in it in some way, exerting influence or making
use of its power .
For example: "The American
president was worried about the possible Russian interference in the last
elections" , "Since he took office, the governor has no
interference in the company of his family" , "The
interference of religion in the State is more notorious in certain countries .
In general, interference is seen
as something negative . Take the case of the government of a
country that requests a multi-million dollar loan from the International
Monetary Fund ( IMF ). The agency accepts to grant the
money, but in exchange for the adoption of certain economic
policies. Faced with this situation, the opposition denounces the interference
of the IMF in the internal affairs of the nation. According to this
position, the IMFshould not indicate what to do with national resources or
how to manage them. However, the government in question accepts this
interference as it went to the entity for support and approved its conditions.
At different times in history ,
reference was often made to the interference of a foreign power in
the institutions of another country. According to various historians, to
cite a case, the US government has promoted and supported coups in Latin
America to overthrow constitutional governments that were not related to
their interests. The US interference, in this framework, allowed regime
changes through the use of violence, attacking democracy and self-determination
of peoples.