Definition of Hyperonym
The concept of hyperonym is used in the field of linguistics to name the term whose meaning is present in the meaning of other words . It is a word that can be used to allude to the reality that names another more specific concept.
While the meaning of the hyperonym is included in another word, the hyponym is the term whose meaning encompasses that of another. Just as "mammal" is a hyperonym of "dog , " "dog" is a hyponym of "mammal . "
All the semantic features of the hyperonym are present in its hyponym. On the other hand, the hyponym has semantic features that allow it to differentiate itself from the hyperonym. Returning to the previous example , "mammal" is a hyperonym of "dog" since all the characteristics of "mammals"are present in "dogs" or, in other words, all "dogs" are "mammals" . In the definition of "dog" , on the contrary, there are features that do not correspond to the totality of "mammals" : while all "dogs" are "mammals", not all "mammals" are "dogs" .
It is common for hypernames to be used so as not to repeat words in a text . In this way, the following paragraph can be written: "He was surprised to find a dog in the middle of the desert.
He wondered how the animal would have done to get there, far from everything. Where could this mammal that seemed so healthy and happy have gotten food? If he could solve the dilemma, maybe he could be saved . "
Hyperonyms, in short, are general words that encompass in their meaning the other more specific. "Mueble" , to mention another case, is hyper-synonym of "table" , "wardrobe" and "bed" .