Definition of
The concept
of safe derived from the Latin word innocuous and can also
be mentioned as harmless (with two N), according to that
detailed for the Royal Spanish Academy ( RAE ) in its
dictionary. The term alludes to that which does not cause any harm .
therefore, is an adjective that qualifies what does not cause
harm or detriment . At a general level it can be said that there are
laws and controls in all countries to ensure that the food, medicines and other
products that are marketed are safe.
The safety is
harmless condition. When something goes on sale, and therefore remains
available to buyers, it has to comply with various regulations. Among
them, the rules that guarantee that the use or consumption of the product will
not cause health problems .
A caramel
that has among its components a toxic substance, to name a case, is not
innocuous. That is why anyone who ingests one of these treats can suffer
from intoxication . The innocuous candies, on the contrary, do
not harm, beyond the possible evils that they generate in the long term if they
are consumed in excess.
It should be
noted that safety, in some cases, is ensured throughout a process, and not
only in the ingredients of a product or preparation. In a
restaurant, food should be stored at safe temperatures and washed, when
appropriate, with potable water. The cook also has to separate raw
materials from cooked ones and avoid cross contamination. So the dishes
served at the establishment are safe.