of Freeware
Afreeware (a
term that is formed from the English expression free software ) is
a computer program whose distribution is free , for which the user
does not have to pay to install and use it. However, unlike what happens
with free software , users are not able to modify their code .
That's why
it's important to distinguish between free software or freeware and
free software. While the first one has the main characteristic of
free distribution , the second one has as fundamental property the
authorization to alter its original programming code.
It is more
appropriate, therefore, to compare freeware with shareware and not
with free software. A shareware is software that is distributed free of
charge, although it only allows its use for a certain time or with limited
functionalities. The objective is that the user can know the program and
then, if satisfied, pay the corresponding license to access its full version.
In the case
of freeware, it is distributed free with its full functionality and without
temporal limitations. On certain occasions, developers can ask for donations that
allow them to continue with their work.
their distribution and use are free at a general level, restrictionsare often
imposed , such as the prohibition to sell the software or to use
it in a company for commercial purposes.
The Avast antivirus ,
the Recuva file recovery program and the Google Earth satellite
photography and mapping software are examples of freeware: they have
versions that can be downloaded and used free of charge. Also the videogames qualified
as free to play are considered freeware.